The rental provider of your property has authorised Bonnici Real Estate to carry out EMERGENCY repairs to the value of $2,500.00 unless specified otherwise in your lease agreement.
If you are unable to get into contact with your property manager you can contact one of our listed tradespeople listed below – if you are unable to get in contact with the preferred tradesperson you can contact a relevant and qualified tradesperson to fix the urgent repair. Please note that you will need to contact the property manager the next day so they are aware of any changes that were made. Also just so your aware if the repair is not one of the urgent repairs listed below you may have to pay for the repair and any other associated costs.
The following maintenance is considered as “URGENT”
It is important to understand that the urgent and non-urgent repairs are the rental provider, (formerly referred to as landlord) or agent’s responsibility, but if the tenant caused the damage, the rental provider can ask the tenant to arrange and/or pay for repairs and all associated costs. Tenants have a responsibility to continue paying rent when waiting for repairs to be completed. Also it is very important to communicate all information regarding repairs in writing and that all copies of letters, forms, receipts, emails and reports are kept for future reference.
Preferred Tradesman Contact Number
PLUMBER: Remedy Plumbing M. 0402 140 045, www.remedyplumbing.com.au
ELECTRICIAN: Dean Pahek Electrical, M 0418 281 517, E deanpahekelectrical@gmail.com
E. messaging-service@post.xero.com W. www.testedelectrical.com.au
HANDYMAN, Gili, M. 0425803366
LOCKSMITH: Asguard Locksmith, M. 0467678772, T, 03 9068 8225, www.asguardlocksmiths.com.au
Please forward any invoices to our office or to our email info@bonnicirealestate.com.au for reimbursement regarding urgent repairs.
For non-urgent repairs, the tenants MUST put the maintenance request in writing to the agent outlining what needs to be fixed or looked at. The rental provider has 14 days in which to make sure that repairs are carried out. If the rental provider does not carry out the repairs within 12 days of receiving the notice, the tenant can send a copy of their written notice to Consumer Affairs Victoria with a letter asking for an inspection and a subsequent report. Tenants MUST continue to pay rent even if the agent has not arranged for the repairs to take place.
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